Frequently asked questions ?

Is cardio good for bulking up?

Author: Jaabir Esau Published: 22 July 2020

What is the best cardio for building muscle? Long bouts of steady state cardio have been proven to increase cortisol levels and break down muscle. Instead, opt for exercises such as high intensity interval training, walking lunges, sled drags/pushes/pulls, loaded carries, sprints that build muscle while burning fat. I personally believe that one should include cardio in their workout. I recommend twice a week cardio.It has a massive impact on your overall health and muscles.

Overall, cardio does not necessarily help to build muscle in the way that strength training does. However, a well-rounded routine will help you get to your goals faster. Remember to include ample rest days so that your muscle has time to build—after all—muscle is built on rest days.

Why should men do yoga? benefits

Author: Jaabir Esau Published: 23 July 2020

I get it, Yoga might not be the most intense workout—at least, most forms of it aren’t—and it probably isn’t the first thing that pops in your mind when thinking of a fitness class you want to try. But yoga can help you so many different things,

It also enhances body flexibility, supports physical readiness for other exercises, and improves sexual performance. Men have certain muscles that are the main targets of exercises at the gym, such as hamstrings, glutes, abdomen and shoulders. But yoga helps the body to perform well.

Healthy foods to gain muscle mass ?

Author: Jaabir Esau Published: 24 July 2020

You want to pack on muscle mass. But, you want to focus on quality foods rather than eating everything in sight, which may ultimately be detrimental to your long-term health. As a hard gainer myself who has struggled to put on weight. Eating almost anything is definetly not a good plan. Cholesterol levels increasing due to the unhealthy fat and sugar dumped into the most common calorically dense food, I had to discover the healthiest bulking foods for hard gainers. Here are 16 main foods you should include in your diet. Eggs, Nuts, seeds Beef, Beans, Yogurt, Milk, Cheese, Oil, Avocado, Olives, Dried Fruit, Whole Grain Bread, Crackers, Pasta, Potatoes, Oats and Granola.

When you take drastic measures to shift your weight too quickly, it can result in unhealthy side effects and damage your metabolism, especially if you’ve struggled with disordered eating in the past, are taking certain medications, or have a medical condition. Make sure to check in with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or fitness plan.

Why calisthenics ?

Author: Jaabir Esau Published: 25 July 2020

I believe that calisthenics is a create way to build muscle. If you're already physically fit and want to increase muscle strength, you can adjust calisthenic exercises for your fitness level. For example, you can add extra weight while you exercise. This could mean wearing a weighted belt to do pull-ups. You can also make exercises harder by changing your body position. Try raising your legs on a platform or a step while you do push-ups. This challenges your muscles more, which helps build strength. Building muscle may give you a leaner appearance, too. Calisthenics may also help make your body more flexible. They can also be good for helping you stick to workouts for a longer time. But in order to get the full benefit, you have to do the exercises quickly. You can't stop for more than a minute or so between each set. That keeps your heart rate up, making calisthenics a more challenging and effective workout.

The benefits of calisthenics depend on your fitness level. For beginners who are only able to do 10-12 repetitions at a time, the workout helps build muscle strength. Once you're able to do more reps, calisthenics help increase muscle endurance -- how long you can keep up the exercise.

kettlebell workouts good?

Author: Jaabir Esau Published: 26 July 2020

I personaly love kettlebell workouts, its a all in one workout. Kettlebells can be used for strength, endurance, flexibility and balance training, the four main aspects of fitness.Kettlebells are phenomenal for learning to produce speed and force from your hips.Kettlebells keep the body loose rather than isolation exercises. Kettlebell movement patterns require you to move through multiple planes of motion while controlling the force, torque and range of motion. This is definitely one of the biggest benefits of kettlebells. They are versatile and they simplify things! In a fast-paced complex world, the ability to do total body conditioning with one tool is a nice change of pace. In fact, we’d go out on a limb and say kettlebells are one of the best tools in existence for truly effective, result-achieving, safe, full-body conditioning.

You can train with kettlebells every day, as long as you listen to your body. This should be coupled with the right intensity and appropriate kettlebell weight. When performed correctly, kettlebell training can increase your muscle tone, improve your cardio and mobility, and burn a lot of calories. To sum it up, kettlebells are a greate tool to use for your everyday workout. Wether at home or at the gym.