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An inspiration to others.

Author: Jeff Seid, Published: 21 July 2020

A few days before my 1st surgery, I was on the website and I stumbled across the newest IFBB bodybuilding category, Men’s Physique. I had been training consistently for 6 years at that time so wanted to use what I had devoted my life to building and see if I could make a career out of what I loved. One month later I competed and won the overall title at my first show. Exactly a year after my first competition I went on to win Nationals, which made me the youngest IFBB Professional in history! Two months after becoming an IFBB Pro I won my first Pro show that qualified me to step on stage at the first ever Mr. Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown. After the Mr. Olympia contest my career really took off. I was now flying around the world for various expos and appearances monthly. I see my new life as a way to motivate others to never forget about their dreams and always stay hungry for more. Most recently, I competed in the Mr. Olympia a second time and started my own clothing company, SeidWear. Just recently I wrote a book, Guide to Aesthetics. It’s over 150 pages of everything I’ve learned so far in my journey to aesthetics. You can check out the book on this website and read more about it if you want. Running my own businesses has been a blast – the competitions, the YouTube videos, ISSA certified online personal training, and now clothing/books. I’ve always said it’s one thing to be sponsored, then a whole other ball game to own a company. Everything is going according to plan, but still my hunger for more thrives. I’m just getting started. What I’ve learned from my journey this far is that strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through hardships and decide not to give up, that is strength. – Jeff Seid

How to get the ultimate physique

Author: Chris Heria Published: 7 Jan 2020

One of the biggest questions in the fitness industry is: Should I do cardio? The answer: Yes. Although you can get a ripped body without doing any cardio, doing it will only help you achieve that body you want much faster. It will also increment your ability to go longer in your strength workouts which will make you stronger and more muscular in the long run. Unless you want to put 10+ pounds of muscle in the fastest amount then you should be doing cardio at least once a week. Now, you may be wondering: What is the best type of cardio? There are many forms of cardio, however, most of them fall into two categories: Steady pace cardio or High intensity cardio (As well as HIIT). Even though your body will use only fat as energy when doing steady pace cardio while HIIT will use more of your glycogen storages, doing high intensity cardio has been shown to burn more overall calories and leave your body with a ”After Burn” effect for about 48h. In short, HIIT cardio has been shown to be more effective for fat loss than regular steady pace cardio. So, what exactly is HIIT? It stand for High intensity interval training. The execution consist on getting your heart rate as high as possible for a period of time, then completely rest for a shorter period of time and repeat the cycle. Finally, a great addition to this would be performing exercises that also work your strength and/or power. In the following video you will be able to see a great example of a Killer HIIT workout that will leave you tired (But burning fat) for days! Enjoy 😉

Road to calisthenics

Author: Chris Heria Published: 7 March 2020

First, what is Calisthenics? Calisthenics best described as training mainly through body weight. By training this, not only will you develop an amazing body, positive energies, and tremendous power, you will also achieve a superior body control by studying a variety of advanced movements from the world of the gymnastics To get started, the only things you need is motivation and training program. Take into account that nothing comes easy, but if you're looking for a passion that will change your life dramatically - Calisthenics is a great choice

Crossfit endurance and strength training

Author: Crossfit games Published: 16 Feb 2020

CrossFit Endurance is essentially a combination of circuit-based workouts where you lift heavy, often as fast as possible. They’re called “AMRAP” (As Many Reps As Possible) workouts and are based on time.These workouts are incredibly intense. They’re then combined with HIIT (high-intensity interval training), also known as Tabata Sprints.The high-intensity, multi-joint movements in CrossFit may help you gain muscle strength and stamina. Adding additional weight to your workouts can further increase muscle gain by adding stress to your muscles.CrossFit workouts often include functional exercises, or exercises that mimic movements you do in everyday life. Functional movements, such as squats, kettlebell swings, or overhead presses, can help improve agility, balance, and flexibility.